Wednesday, September 24, 2008

4 weeks ago tonight

It has been 4 weeks ago tonight that our sweet little, precious Anna went home to be with her heavenly Father. As I write these words it is still hard to believe she is actually gone from our sight. I have missed her more deeply than I can describe with words. She was very special to me. I know as much as I miss her Jo Anna(Jo) is missing her every bit as much. That sweet little angel occupied every minute of Jo Anna's day. Then there is Grace, she is such an adventurous, free spirited child and Grace is missing Anna every bit as much as we are. Especially at bath time each night. It still hurts for me to look at pictures, especially the picture of me holding Anna. I can still feel her, smell her and hear her dear little voice. It makes me sad beyond belief. Psalm 127:5 tells us that children are a blessing. With Anna, God's grace was upon us much more than we had or could have imagined. As I have said before, I do not know why God chose me to be that little girls poppa but I am eternally grateful for the privilege. Again, I want to tell you all thank you for your calls, cards, emails, posts and for your prayers. God is listening to you and he is answering your prayers. Christ has and is working through you to give us strength. Four weeks ago the book of Anna Marie Yitao Gooden's life was complete. She lived a full life, a life God so graciously blessed me and my family with. I am so proud of her. Her poppa loves her more today than ever. I know as much as I love her God loves her that much more. He loved her enough to send His son to die for her sins. So I rejoice for Anna and at the same time suffer with the grief of having to let her go.

Children are blessings from heaven above and they are precious. There are a million of these precious blessings out there tonight without a momma or a poppa. If you were to ask an orphan what they wanted more than anything in this world they would tell you it is a forever family. Those little blessings are out there waiting. Please take advantage of any opportunity you can to help them. If you can not adopt or are not in a position to adopt then please open your hearts and wallets and make a donation to organizations such as "Shaohannah's Hope". Organizations like these assist families through grants to give homes to blessings such as our Anna. For your donations you will be blessed ten fold. Thank you for taking the time to meet our little girl & continuing to pray for our family.

May God bless you! Tony for our Family


Jayme and Genevieve said...

I don't have many words. Just wanted you to know that I was reading and praying for you all. ...and crying. And thank you for the encouragement to adopt. If all goes according to our plans, which God has a tendency to change, our next little one will be adopted. Please kiss Grace for me!!

Unknown said...

Oh Sweet Friends!
As I left your house tonight I remembered it was only 4 weeks ago that little Anna went to be with Jesus! We love you! Our hearts ache for your loss. I don't have the words to say......
Praise God for your words tonight Tony! Yes, adoption is God's gift to families when they are obedient to His calling! 10 weeks of love, joy, things up the nose, HUGS, KISSES, being a mamma, pappa and a BIG sister is to SHORT her on earth!We pray that HIS arms are wraped around you! We pray that an empty house becomes a full house. Oh sweet friends be gentle to yourself and this process. Anna will never be forgoten....
love ya.....
love ya.....
and praying for you.....

Anonymous said...

I sit in tears as I think of the grief you are feeling, but am amazed at the way God has used you for His glory through this incredibly tough time. I have no words, but we are praying for each of you. We pray God can wrap you in His loving arms, and comfort you, knowing you will see your sweet Anna again someday.
The Tweetens, an AWAA family, adoptive parents to 2 beautiful little girls, and friends of the Pinkmans

Julee said...

So sorry about Anna. She was just lovely. We lost our youngest child age 2 1/2 in April. (suprise domestic newborn adoption) He was diagnosed at 18 mos with aplastic anemia, had a bone marrow transplant and died from complications of that. This greif stuff is a hard, hard long road. May God keep growing you as you heal and may this whole story and Anna;s life continue to glorify Him

Natalie said...

We continue to pray for you and your family. To continue to feel Christs peace in your heart as the ache continues.

Know there are those out there who are holding you up with our prayers.