Several of you have been desperate for an update, and I understand. Jo told me she doesn’t want to update until there’s news, but I know you all just want to know how everything is going, so I’ll try to do that as best I can….
The doctors hadn’t been able to do the CAT scan because she needs to be weaned off of the bypass machine first. The bypass machine is very large and they can’t wheel her in for the CAT until she’s able to keep her heart pumping on its own. The prayer last night into this morning is that they can completely wean her off of the bypass by 8 AM (hopefully that’s happened, I’m going to call to see) so they can wheel her in for a CAT scan to see what’s going on in her little brain. They tried taking her off yesterday morning and her little heart beat on its own for 6 minutes before it gave out, which they felt was good for the first try. Pray that there is no bleeding or swelling of the brain and that there’s no damage.
Along with the kicks yesterday, last night she began responding to light which they believe shows some neurological function. She’s had episodes of dropping bp again and there have been small improvements in some areas and small set backs in others. Jo said she had about six less tubes on her little arm when she returned after being with Grace last night (more kissing room, Jo said). The seizures continue and have increased so they put her on medication to stop them which has made her less responsive (to light and any other stimulation), apparently. She’s needed numerous blood transfusions because the site where the ECMO (bypass machine) is inserted continues to bleed…another reason they need to get her off of that machine, but she seems relatively stable in many areas. Please also pray against infection.
The G's (omitting last name for safety reasons) are getting little signs everywhere they turn that God is hearing their prayers and sustaining them. They do have moments when the fear, doubts, frustrations, and tiredness set in and so they need our prayer covering. Nights are hardest…Anna seems to be worse at night and Jo has been alone and that’s when the fear and doubt are magnified. So, if you are awakened at night for any reason (or you’re like me and tend to be up at 2AM anyway), please pray for them. A group of us ladies stayed at the hospital with Jo until 2 AM last night and she was doing really well last night. SHE was encouraging US! She amazes me! After we all prayed and prayed, we talked…she did most of the talking and laughing and it was good medicine for all of our hearts. I think we all needed a little respite from the sadness. Tony, I think, is taking it the hardest. My heart just breaks thinking about Tony! He loves his baby girl so much. He’s trying to understand it all, and there just is no understanding this side of heaven…but he’s still keeping the faith and holding on to the little progress Anna has made and the little signs from God…a rainbow he saw coming home from the hospital and a shooting star he saw in the sky tonight.
Also pray for Grace. Jo explained to her a little bit about Anna. You all probably know how intuitive and wise she is and she needs to be lifted up, too.
So many people have asked how they can help…besides the obvious and important prayer cover right now, I’m trying to put together a schedule for people to bring meals to them at the hospital so please let me know if you’re in the area and interested. There isn’t a lot of food available at the hospital and it’s a hassle to get the car, drive to a restaurant, park again, etc. (Vanderbilt’s a big hospital). I think they also just like for people to stop by and give them a hug and/or say a prayer with them….no words are necessary, just a hug and letting them know you’re praying. They seem to be good for food at home for a little bit, but I’m sure they could always use freezer meals.
Many out of town friends and family have emailed me to ask how they can help and the only thing I can think of is to keep emailing support, ecards, whatever, and maybe send them a gift card for a restaurant. If anyone knows of restaurants around the hospital or has any other ideas of what friends and family can do from a distance, please share in the comments section. My thought about the gift cards is also that whoever goes home to stay with Grace in the evening can take her for a quick meal on occasion instead of cooking for two. If anyone knows of Grace’s favorite restaurants, please share that with us all, as well. I know she likes Panera for breakfast. Another idea is a Plumgood gift card…Plumgood is a grocery delivery service in our area. They can order groceries from the computer and it will be delivered (free delivery) to their front door in an insulated tote. The website is: We do have a Super Suppers in our area, but I don’t know if they have the freezer space for all the frozen meals.
I’m sorry this is long and doesn’t contain much news. I just know that especially for you all far away, any little detail is news.
On behalf of Jo and Tony and their family, thank you all for your prayers…they feel them and are encouraged by the emails from all around the world telling them of prayers for Anna and the family. All of you family and friends are being prayed for, too! You can also send encouragement or prayers for the family by clicking on "comment" under each post and Jo and Tony will be able to read them.
Remaining hopeful,